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Friday, December 13, 2013

Lee Ji Hye (Han Ji Hye) Pictures

<h2>Lee Ji Hye: Actress and Model</h2>

<h3>Lee Ji Hye Profile</h3>
Han Ji Hye was born with the name of Lee Ji hye. Han Ji hye is the popular name that she uses. She uses this name when she becomes an actress. Upon the studying that the real name will cause the confusion among the Ji Hye’s fans. There are many fans who are confused with her name. It is because there is an older actress that has the same name. There is someone who also uses the same name like what she uses. She is Lena Lee. Both of them have the same Korean name.

Lee Ji Hye starts her career as the model. This is the first profession of her. Then, she begins acting in the supporting roles in the TV drama. She starts her career acting as the supporting actress. One of the dramas of Ji Hye is the Summer Scent. She puts the first leading role in the Sweet 18. This is the first role of her drama. The further some years, we can see Han plays in the low rating drama. But, in 2007, she got a daily drama of Likeable or Not. It was so popular. It leads the rating chart during the time. It gets the best rating for the daily drama in 2000.

<h3>Lee Ji Hye Photos</h3>

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